Lirik Lagu hating by korn
My life is such a waste
Begging on something to work this time
But why cant i relate?
Feeling all i do is get whats mine
Holding onto faith
Never gave me nothing but despair
So why do i create just to be swallowed
I cant take
We have a star
I cant take
We got a fantasy
Come what may
We are the stars
I cant wait
I'll take whats mine
Believing all this time, before a crowd could side
Believing all the basics of everything that i could find
Believing all this time, too far to cross the line
Believing all the basics of everything that i could find
I cannot leave this place
Burning up inside this space of mine
But why cant i replace feelings i find really hard to find?
I try but i cant taste
Memories they always fuck with me
So why do i create just to be swallowed?
I cant take
We have a star
I cant take
We got a fantasy
Come what may
We are the stars
I cant wait
I'll take whats mine
Believing all this time, before a crowd could side
Believing all the basics of everything that i could find
Believing all this time, too far to cross the line
Believing all the basics of everything that i could find
All my feelings have been eating all of me
Feed inside
Is there something wrong with me?
I cant take
We have a star
I cant take
We got a fantasy
Come what may
We are the stars
I cant wait
I'll take whats mine
Believing all this time, before a crowd could side
Believing all the basics of everything that i could find
Believing all this time, too far to cross the line
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Judul: Lirik Lagu hating by korn
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